About Us
Founded in October 1999, DEHeap Enterprises, Inc. initially offered its business consulting services solely to members of the local German-American business community.
Before long, our customer base expanded to include all businesses, not just international. Advertising and marketing firms looked to us to untangle sales and property tax accounts. Landscaping and solar energy companies asked for help with marketing. A large software corporation contracted with us to standardize off-ledger entries created in Excel. To name but a few examples...
We still enjoy our work with international business, whether American subsidiaries of German corporations or American companies with affiliates overseas. These days, however, "local" means wherever you sit.
Whoever you are, whatever your business model, no matter your immediate need, let us partner with you to make your company more profitable, your employees less frustrated, your processes more efficient.
Please use our contact page to email us - we will route to the correct department or person. For USPS, please write us at 5693 South Jones Blvd. 112-215, Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 USA.