Accounting Services
In addition to QuickBooks consulting services, we offer plain vanilla but exceptional accounting services. Whether you need Controller-level support, or simply routine bookkeeping, we can support you and your business.
Examples of services provided:
- Clean-up in preparation for financial audit or review.
- Reconcile bank and credit card statements.
- Reconcile balance sheet accounts such as notes payable, prepaid expenses, deferred revenue, payroll liabilities.
- Set up fixed assets; reconcile book to physical inventory of fixed assets; calculate or recalculate DD&A and record.
- Inventory: Reconcile book to year-end or last physical count; standardize inventory item or part numbers; develop processes to keep clean going forward.
- Notes payable: Reconcile book to loan amortization schedules; assist your staff in collection of documents needed to satisfy lender covenants; if necessary, recalculate from inception of loan and book properly.
- Creation and implementation of strong accounting procedure guide that will pass muster for external audit. Special focus on division of responsibilities within very small organizations. If you already know you need one, please click here to order!
- Trouble-shooting where QuickBooks or your accounting software has been set up improperly.
- Liaison between international parent or subsidiary and US corporation, especially explanation of US GAAP to international boards.
- Generation of management reporting packages. In addition to the usual P&L and balance sheet: Budgets, forecasts, payables, receivables, variance reports.
- Time tracking and billing. We will work with your existing system and make recommendations for improvement.
- Review revenue recognition to ensure your books correctly record sales.
- Software capitalization: Retaining us for this service also comes with white paper on capitalization and amortization process. This applies not just to software development, but to any form of R&D. However, most small- to mid-sized software companies overlook this valuable way to correctly present the true value of your business. -- We will also liaise between you and a tax CPA who specializes in getting the best tax breaks possible for your R&D expenditures.
Industries we have served:
- Software
- Plastics brokerage
- Nonprofits, including but not limited to synagogues and churches
- IT firms with sales of hardware, software, and services
- Marketing and ad agencies
- Consulting firms
- Household, including payroll for household staff
- Nautical reseller
- R&D companies
- What's yours? Let us add you here!
Contact us for a quote! Or check out services and publications you can order online here.
Photo: "This photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA."
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Note: The Law Offices of Higbee & Associates is claiming IP infringement for use of the above stock photo. That law office, based in Las Vegas, Nevada, refuses to follow legal requirements for serving notice, despite our having notified them of the defect and giving them corrected information. We have yet to receive any "service" to either correct mailing address or email address.
We maintain evidence in our files that the above STOCK PHOTO is licensed for our commercial use under Creative Commons License CC BY-SA. Further, we are maintaining proof in our files that we are entitled to use this STOCK PHOTO based on licenses we have purchased through legal channels. We are also maintaining proof in our files that DEHeap Enterprises, Inc. is not the only entity relying on the CC BY-SA Creative Commons license, that in fact, dozens and dozens of other accounting firms and accountants are using the same image in reliance on the Creative Commons license obtained from the exact same licensing source.
Finally, we are reporting the Law Offices of Higbee & Associates to the American Bar Association, to the State Bar of Nevada, to the US Department of Justice, to the California Department of Justice, to the Nevada Department of Justice, and to the Federal Trade Commission. We are not the only victims of Higbee's bullying tactics. Google them or type in the word "Higbee" in LinkedIn. They demand "$30,000 - 500,000" in damages for alleged intellectual property law violations.
It's a shame really. There's a real need for enforcement of IP law. Unfortunately, the Law Firm of Higbee & Associates does not appear to be interested in the real rights of creators.